Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cape Lookout

Left NWC Marina finally with a nice send off by Bud, Dawn and Clancey.
The southern most end of Adams Creek had a large number of dolphins.
We are at Cape Lookout for a few days and have seen several sea turtles already.
Used our new grill and are into the wine.
Beautiful sunset.


  1. What a life!! Wish I was there.
    Love, Marjorie

  2. Dick's computer went gon zo so you can't be in touch with him on line.

    The weather here is beautiful. Just had a margarita after a swim in the ocean and a massage. What a life.....!!!!!!
    Love, Mermaid Marge

  3. Paul,
    Send me the picture of your boat. I can't copy it off your blog!!!
